A birth certificate is your first piece of legal paper that tells the world who you are.There should be all the necessary information including your full name, date of birth, etc. terms, there are things like birthplace and parents-the very things that establish your personhood in the rest of your life for official purposes. However, there are times when people change or fix their original names on birth certificates for many reasons.
Name Change ad in English Format
I, KOMAL SALGAR is legally wedded spouse of Name- SALGAR MURTHI SHRIRAM, Age-32 Yrs, P/R/at: 456 Blossom Street Sector-15, Roseville New Delhi, Delhi-110001.I have changed my name KOMAL SALGAR to SALGAR KOMAL MURTHI vide affidavit No. 69/2024 dated 26/02/2024
I, RADHIKA DEEPAK KULKARNI is legally daughter of Name- DEEPAK RAGHUNATH KULKARNI, Age-21 Yrs., P/R/at: Vill- Gaganapur, Teh-Khed, Dist. Raigad-402110. I have changed my name RADHIKA DEEPAK KULKARNI to DEEPAK RADHIKA KULKARNI vide Affidavit No. 70/2024 dated 26/02/2024 at Public Notary Pune
I, MEENAKSHI ABHIJIT PRAKASH, resident of B 603 Bonzer Carnival, Sector 10, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra have changed my daughter’s Name from ANAAYA to ANAAYA ABHIJIT SHAHAKAR vide Affidavit dated 09/02/2024 before Advocate & Notary Shikarpur, Uttar Pradesh.
I, Yakoob Bhai Ismail Lakhani, residing at Flat No C-1205, Alkasa Society, Sr No 60 Opp H.V Desi Hospital Tarawade Wasti, Mohammadwadi, Maharashtra, Pune-411060, have changed my name from Yakub Ismyle Lakhani for all purposes
I, Natasha D'Souza R/o: House No. 567 Sunrise Avenue, Sunshine City, officially changed my name to Natasha D'Souza Fernandez. w/o Kevin Fernandez.
I, Kartik Verma, have officially changed my name from Kartik Verma to Arjun Verma. R/o: 234 Sunflower Lane, Blossom City, Pune-411007. This change is effective immediately and is recorded in the affidavit dated 00.00.00 before the Notary Public in Mumbai.
Name Change ad in Hindi Format
मैं, कोमल सागर कानूनी रप से विवाहि पत्नी हूं, ाम- सालगर मू्ति श्रीरा, उम्र-32 वर्ष, निवास स्थान: 456 ब्लॉसम स््रीट सेक्ट-15, रोजविल नई दिल्ली, दिल्ली-110001। मैंने अपना नाम कोल सालगर से बलकर सालगर क लिया है। कोमल मूर्ति ने शपथ पत्र सं्या 69/2024 दिनाक 26/02/2024 द्वारा
मैं, राधिका दीपक कुलकर्णी कानूनी तौर पर बेटी हं, नाम- दीपक घुनाथ कुलकर्णी, उम्र-21 व्ष, निवास-स्ान: गांव- गगपुर, तेह-खेड, जिला। रायगढ़-402110. मैंने सर्वजनिक नोरी पुणे में पथ पत्र संखया 70/2024 दिनांक 26/02/2024 के माधयम से अपना नाम राधािका दीपक कुलकर्ण से बदलकर दीपक राधिका कुलकर्णी कर लिया है।
मैं, मीाक्षी अभिजीत प्रकाश, निासी बी 603 बोनज़र कार्निल, सेक्टर 10, खारघर, नवी मुबई, महाराष््र ने एडवोकट और नोटरी शकारपुर, उत्र प्रदेश के समक्ष दिनां 09/02/2024 के शपथ त्र के माध्म से अपनी बेटी का नाम अनया से बदलकर नाया अभिजी शाहकार कर लया है।
मं, याकूब भाई इस्माइल लखानी, फ्लैट नंर सी-1205, अलकाा सोसाइटी, करमांक 60, एचव देसी हॉस्पटल तरावड़े स्ती के सामे, मोहम्मदवड़ी, महाराषट्र, पुणे-411060 में रहता हू, मैंने सभी उद्देश्यों क लिए अपना नाम याकूब इस्माइल लखानी से बदल लिया है
मैं, नतशा डिसूजा नवासी: हाउस नंबर 567 सनराइज एवेन्यू, सनाइन सिटी, ने आधिकारिक तौ पर अपना नाम बदलकर नताशा डिसूजा फर्नांडीज कर लिया है। केविन र्नांडीज के साथ।
मैं, स्ेहा कुमार, न अपनी बेटी का नाम रूही अ्रवाल से बदकर न्यू हाउ नंबर 45, ग्री वैली अपार्मेंट, सिविल लाइन्स, गुवाहाटी, असम 600013 ें रहने वाल प्रेरणा अगरवाल कर दिय है। यह परिवर्तन दिनांक 00.00.00 के शपथ पत्र में परिलक्षित होता है। नई दिल्ली ें नोटरी पबलिक।
Name Change ad in Marathi Format
मी, वरुण मेहता े नाव- मेहता अंजली, वय-25 व्ष, पी/आर/येे: 789 स्प्रिं टॉवर्स, स्प्रिंगविले, बंगलोर-560001 यांचा कायदेशीर मुलगा आहे. म माझे नाव वरण मेहता बदलन मेहता वरु अंजली असे प्रतिज्ञापतर क्रमांक 55/2024 दिनांक 27/02/2024 द्वारे केले आहे.
म, कार्तिक वरमा, अधिकृतपे माझे नाव कार्तिक वर्मवरून बदलून र्जुन वर्म केले आहे. R/o: 234 सनफ्लॉवर लन, ब्लॉसम सिटी, पुणे-411007. हा बदल तात्काळ लागू होतो णि मुंबईतील नोटरी पब्लिकसमोर 00.00.00 रोीच्या प्रतज्ञापत्रात नोंदवला जात.
मी, नताशा डसूझा R/o: घर क्रमांक 567 सनराईज अव्हेन्य, सनशाइन सिटी, अधिकृतपणे माझे नाव बदून नताशा डिूझा फर्नांडीझ असे ठेवले आहे. केविन फ्नांडिस याच्यासोबत.
मी, राधिका ीपक कुलकर्ी, नावाची कादेशीर मुलग आहे- दीपक रघुनाथ कुलकर्ी, वय-21 वर्षे, प्र./येथील: ाव- गगनापूर, ते-खेड, जि. रायगड-402110. मी पबलिक नोटरी पणे येथे दिनंक 26/02/2024 रोजी प्रतिज्ञाप्र क्रमांक 70/2024 द्वारे माझे नाव बदलून राधिका दीपक कुलकर्णी असे दीपक राधिका कुलकर्णी केले आहे.
मी, कोमल सलग हया नवाची कायदेशीर विवहित जोडीदा आहे- सलगर मूर्ती श्रीरा,वय-32 वर्ष, प/आर/येथे: 456 बलॉसम स्ट्रीट सेक्टर-15, रझविले नवी दल्ली, दिल्ल-110001. मी प्रतिज्ञापत्र क्मांक 69/2024 दिनांक 26/02/2024 द्वरे माझे नाव ोमल सलगर बदून सालगर कोल मुर्ती अस केले आहे.
मैं, स्नेह कुमार, ने अपनी बेटी का नम रूही अग्राल से बदलकर ्यू हाउस नंर 45, ग्रीन वैली अपार्टमेट, सिविल लाइन्स, गुवाहाटी, असम 600013 में रहने वाली प्रेरणा अग्रवल कर दिया है। यह परिवर्तन दिनांक 00.00.00 के शपथ पत्र ें परिलक्षित होता है। न दिल्ली में ोटरी पब्लि।
Let me simplify: if you're applying for a name change or correction on a birth certificate, you'll need supporting identity documents as the basis for your application, such as those listed below.
A legal document that indicates the present and Before and After Original name Name as of Oh this is why! This must be from applicant signed and attested by Notary.
An original birth certificate is having the wrong name is to have your work reviewed and receive corrections where the incorrect name was cited.
Aadhar Card, Voter ID or any document with complete current address and name. Passport Sometimes must identity role.
Any utility bills,rehearsal agreement or any other statement with the current is readable lines proof of address documentation from the applicant.
In certain cases such as name changes Other supporting documents post adoption/marriage adoption papers or a marriage certificate may be required.
Change of name in bio-data must be in an official journal of government Gazette, where you are specific.legal name changes.
Reasons Why People Change Their Names
You can also publish classified ads for public notices right here.
State/Municipality Site that provides online service Birth Certificate.
Name (on the right) Name Correction : Approach nearby CSC center Else Open the link of name correction. You might have to load documents for proof.
You then need to attach Scanned copies of your Affidavit, application using identity proof, birth certificate etc.
Finally, the application is submitted with all documents uploaded online here.
Many online applications will come with a small fee between $0.10 to $1 included at the processing time of your application but make sure you keep this in mind before trying to set up your own contest through the portal and pay a Processing Fee.
Use the reference number provided at time of submission tracking your application.
Prepare an affidavit stating the old and new name and the reason for it.
You might have to send along the letter from Child Welfare, Court order if applicable (if your child was placed with you through this program), Original birth certificate of the child, Photo ID of both parents and Other proof or documentation all of the legal paperwork such as adoption papers, court orders.
However, for certain changes like a name may only be allowed to be a Special rule Notice in local newspapers for children.
Submit the request to the municipal office for all documents, asking for information about a new birth certificate with the modified name.
The office will publish you a new Parturition proving the correct name passed away.
Name Change Advertisement FAQ's
Actually, you can change your name after adoption by handing in adoption documents, along with the affidavit to the appropriate authorities.
Processing times depend on your state but generally occur between 2–4 weeks post-application submission.
Throughout the US, getting name corrections and changes for minors is via state-specific online portals.
Legal some states will require a newspaper publication major updates and corrections name changes.
If you have already legally changed your name after marriage, then you will also need to file an affidavit and supporting documents. In this guide I want to share with you my experience in changing names on a birth certificate.
How to legally correct or change the name on a birth certificate detailed process at every step. By following the correct Whether it be the rules for filing,documents that need to be compiled or avoiding. Although these are common errors, they can be eliminated to make sure that every government or non governmental institution accepts your newly updated birth certificate. Whether you are making small modifications or full name changes, understanding the birth certificate name change process will make your name correction smoother and more successful.
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We are a well-respected agency that has a track record in helping people legally change their name. Since 1996, we have served clients in Bangalore.