Visit the UIDAI website to update or change the demographic details of your Aadhaar card online. To update Aadhaar Card online, your registered mobile number and Aadhaar card must be linked.
The UIDAI name update and other changes are generally completed within 30 days. Download the revised version of your Aadhaar Card and take a print. In Karnataka, a fee of Rs.30 is applicable for Aadhaar Search using e-KYC and for color printout on A4 sheet.
This process is for those without address update supporting documents.
Proof of relation can include a ration card, mark sheet, passport, marriage certificate, or any document establishing a relationship with the HOF. In the absence of any documents, the HOF's self-declaration in the prescribed format is also valid.
The UIDAI has allowed people to update their Proof of Identity and Proof of Address documents online for free till 14th December 2024.
If the details are correct, click and verify them. Choose the relevant documents you want to submit from the drop-down menu. Upload the documents and give consent to complete the update Aadhaar card process.
If the ID details are incorrect, visit the nearest Aadhaar Center in Karnataka. If the address details are incorrect, fill out the form displayed and upload the address proof documents. Then, pay the fees and submit the request.
The file size of the document uploaded should be less than 2 MB in the JPG, PNG, or PDF format.
Those not tech-savvy and uncomfortable using the internet can choose the offline Aadhar card update option. For details, visit the nearby Aadhaar Enrolment Centre or Aadhaar Seva Kendra in Karnataka.
Demographic data such as mobile numbers, biometrics, and email addresses can be updated without documents. Please provide the necessary documents to update your name, date of birth, and address. You should book an appointment online to have a smooth experience at the Aadhaar Center. You can also walk in directly during Aadhaar Center working hours.
To update Aadhaar card in Karnataka, the following documents are valid:
Download the relevant correction form online based on your residential status and age.
Fill out and submit the required documents and fees at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
You must pay Rs. 50 for every online or offline demographic update or correction on your Aadhaar card. However, updating biometrics by visiting an Aadhaar Seva Kendra does not involve a fee.
UIDAI allows updating Proof of Identity and Proof of Address documents free of cost till 14th December 2024.
The following documents required for Aadhaar card update/correction are:
Sometimes, the request for an Aadhaar Card update/correction is rejected. The UIDAI follows specific provisions stringently to verify the details before approving the changes. These criteria must be fulfilled for successful updates to the Aadhaar Card details.
The following conditions should be fulfilled before corrections are made to the Aadhaar card details:
According to the decision made by the Karnataka State Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Aadhaar seeding is a must for all students in the state to receive the relevant benefits.
The DPI has decided to credit the scholarship and other scheme amounts offered by the Karnataka Government directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiary students. The DPI has opened accounts for Karnataka students at various bank branches and post offices. These are zero balance accounts, and the students will get the scheme benefits and scholarships directly to this account.
Name Change ad in Hindi Format
मैं, कोमल सालगर कानूनी रूप से विवाहित पत्नी हूं, नाम- सालगर मूर्ति श्रीराम, उम्र-32 वर्ष, निवास स्थान: 456 ब्लॉसम स्ट्रीट सेक्टर-15, रोजविल नई दिल्ली, दिल्ली-110001। मैंने अपना नाम कोमल सालगर से बदलकर सालगर कर लिया है। कोमल मूर्ति ने शपथ पत्र संख्या 69/2024 दिनांक 26/02/2024 द्वारा
मैं, राधिका दीपक कुलकर्णी कानूनी तौर पर बेटी हूं, नाम- दीपक रघुनाथ कुलकर्णी, उम्र-21 वर्ष, निवास-स्थान: गांव- गगनपुर, तेह-खेड, जिला। रायगढ़-402110. मैंने सार्वजनिक नोटरी पुणे में शपथ पत्र संख्या 70/2024 दिनांक 26/02/2024 के माध्यम से अपना नाम राधािका दीपक कुलकर्णी से बदलकर दीपक राधिका कुलकर्णी कर लिया है।
मैं, मीनाक्षी अभिजीत प्रकाश, निवासी बी 603 बोन्ज़र कार्निवल, सेक्टर 10, खारघर, नवी मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र ने एडवोकेट और नोटरी शिकारपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश के समक्ष दिनांक 09/02/2024 के शपथ पत्र के माध्यम से अपनी बेटी का नाम अनाया से बदलकर अनाया अभिजीत शाहकार कर लिया है।
मैं, याकूब भाई इस्माइल लखानी, फ्लैट नंबर सी-1205, अलकासा सोसाइटी, क्रमांक 60, एचवी देसी हॉस्पिटल तरावड़े वस्ती के सामने, मोहम्मदवाड़ी, महाराष्ट्र, पुणे-411060 में रहता हूं, मैंने सभी उद्देश्यों के लिए अपना नाम याकूब इस्माइल लखानी से बदल लिया है।
मैं, नताशा डिसूजा निवासी: हाउस नंबर 567 सनराइज एवेन्यू, सनशाइन सिटी, ने आधिकारिक तौर पर अपना नाम बदलकर नताशा डिसूजा फर्नांडीज कर लिया है। केविन फर्नांडीज के साथ।
मैं, स्नेहा कुमार, ने अपनी बेटी का नाम रूही अग्रवाल से बदलकर न्यू हाउस नंबर 45, ग्रीन वैली अपार्टमेंट, सिविल लाइन्स, गुवाहाटी, असम 600013 में रहने वाली प्रेरणा अग्रवाल कर दिया है। यह परिवर्तन दिनांक 00.00.00 के शपथ पत्र में परिलक्षित होता है। नई दिल्ली में नोटरी पब्लिक।
Name Change Advertisement FAQ's
You can update your address and documents online. For other updates, visit an Aadhar center near you in Karnataka.
You can update the address, PoI, and PoA documents.
Visit an Aadhar Enrolment Centre in Karnataka. Additional documents are not needed.
The charges are Rs.50 for demographics. Biometrics updates are free in Karnataka. You must pay Rs. 30 to get a color printout of A4 size of your updated Aadhaar Card.
An Aadhar update request may be rejected if the documents are incorrect or missing, not attested, or the information is mismatched.
It normally takes up to 30 days.
It is optional.
Yes, a parent’s Aadhar can help update the child’s information.
No, the number remains the same.
No, but the free document update offer is valid till December 14, 2024.
No, UIDAI mobile number change on an Aadhar card must be done at an Aadhar Seva Kendra.
UIDAI is the government body created to issue Aadhar numbers to Indian residents and manage the entire Aadhar process.
The 'My Aadhar' section on the UIDAI website offers access to various Aadhar-related services.
Visit the UIDAI website, go to the 'My Aadhar' section, and select the 'Update Aadhar' option. Log in with your Aadhar number and OTP to access update services.
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Now you can easily update your name in your aadhar card using our online service. Our service is quick and easy to use. We have been providing aadhar services for over 10 years.
We will then take care of updating your name in your aadhar card. You will receive a confirmation email once your request has been submitted.
We are a well-respected agency that has a track record in helping people update their name in their aadhar card. Since 1996, we have served clients in Karnataka.